Jekyll has served me well for a long time, but I've decided to switch the static site generator I use for my personal blog from Jekyll to Nuxt. This article will hopefully be the first new article in my Nuxt blog.

Migrating my personal GitHub pages blog from Jekyll to Nuxt

Last updated September 17, 2020

Jekyll has served me well for a long time, but I've decided to switch the static site generator I use for my personal blog from Jekyll to Nuxt. This article will hopefully be the first new article in my Nuxt blog.

Here are some goals for what I want to do with this new site:

  • Learn more about Nuxt and Nuxt Content, JAM Stack and static site generation
  • Master TailwindCSS for building responsive layouts
  • Better understand and measure SEO for my site and the content I publish on it

Creating a nuxt project

I'm going to start off with a feature-nuxt feature branch. Since I can't create the nuxt project in a non-empty directory, I'll create a new nuxt project in a folder called nuxt:

brian@x1:~/github/$ npx create-nuxt-app .

create-nuxt-app v3.2.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in .
(node:8073) ExperimentalWarning: Conditional exports is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time
? Project name: brian-caffey
? Programming language: JavaScript
? Package manager: Yarn
? UI framework: Tailwind CSS
? Nuxt.js modules: Axios, Content
? Linting tools: ESLint, Prettier
? Testing framework: None
? Rendering mode: Universal (SSR / SSG)
? Deployment target: Static (Static/JAMStack hosting)
? Development tools: jsconfig.json (Recommended for VS Code if you're not using typescript)
yarn run v1.22.5
$ eslint --ext .js,.vue --ignore-path .gitignore . --fix
Done in 1.57s.

🎉  Successfully created project brian-caffey

  To get started:

        yarn dev

  To build & start for production:

        yarn build
        yarn start

Running the following:

yarn generate
yarn start

Starts my project on localhost:3000:

Nuxt app

Tricky parts

Here are some of the parts of migrating that I need to think about:

  • Disqus comments: I previously based the disqus_identifier used to link Disqus threads to specific pages on Jekyll's page URLs (of the form /YYYY/MM/DD/name-of-article.html). I could transform the slug value with a hook in nuxt.config.js, or manually add a disqus_identifier value to the frontmatter of markdown files.
  • Static Content: In Jekyll I had static content in a few different places. With Nuxt, all static content will live under the top level folder /static that is mapped to the root URL where my site is hosted. Since I had lots of content under /static in my Jekyll site, such as /static/my-image.png, I ended up putting conent in /static/static, hopefully this won't be too confusing.

Nuxt Community

There are a lot of great packages from the nuxt-community GitHub organization that are widely used in many Nuxt projects. Here are a few of the Nuxt community plugins and other Nuxt extensions that I have used so far:

  • nuxt/content: an official Nuxt project that provides a Git-based Headless CMS
  • @nuxtjs/tailwindcss
  • @nuxtjs/color-mode
  • @nuxtjs/google-analytics
  • @nuxtjs/sitemap
  • @nuxtjs/feed



  • Add tags, categories, search to blog

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