Building and deploying unstoppable Django applications with Terraform, AWS ECS and GitHub Actions

dernière mise à jour le 17 juin 2022

⚠️ This article is a draft and is not yet complete. ⚠️


Following up on my last article about building ad hoc, or "on-demand" environments for testing, QA and demos, this article will focus on how to make Django application "unstoppable" with respect to production environment operations: horizontal scaling in response to traffic changes, zero-downtime application deployments, zero-downtime infrastructure updates, catching code and configuration bugs in pre-production environments, and edge cases. Similar to my last article, this will be a technical deep dive on my implementation of a sample application using Terraform, AWS ECS and GitHub Actions. I will use the 12Factor App methodology to guide the design of the application architecture. If any of this interests you, please have a read and let me know what you think.

Topics to cover

This article will cover production and pre-production environments. As we will see, production and pre-production environments will be absolutely identical in terms of infrastructure, but there will be some differences in configuration (mostly environment variables). I'll cover the following topics:

  • Application code
  • Infrastructure code
  • CI/CD pipelines
  • Access patterns (application and database)

Infrastructure code (Terraform)

  • Discuss Ad Hoc environment work in my last article
  • How I build and version Terraform modules
  • release-please for generating files and using conventional commits
  • Terraform monorepo for managing modules for multiple environments
  • Publishing modules to Terraform Registry
  • Creating modules for live infrastructure that consumes a reusable module and re-exposing Terraform variables + tfvars
  • GitHub Actions for Terraform modules


  • django-step-by-step

    • Django application (Django Templates, DRF and GraphQL implementations of the same application)
    • Vue.js frontend
    • GitHub Actions for deploying to AWS
    • Consumes Terraform modules
    • Project documentation with VuePress
  • terraform-aws-django

    • Terraform monorepo for ad hoc and production environments
    • versioned with release-please
    • published to Terraform Registry

GitHub Actions

  • Terraform environment deployment
  • break backend update script into sections with needs
  • Slack messages for deployment status


  • Autoscaling policies
  • alarms for triggering autoscaling policies
  • Fargate capacity provider


  • figure out what to clean up in django-step-by-step
    • Add Readmes to directories
    • Clean up main readme
  • Checklist of things to do in local development environment
    • Enable virtualization in Docker desktop
    • remove --platform from Dockerfile FROM
    • Add migrate service with restart: "on-failure"
    • Use multi stage Dockerfile and remove
    • -> Dockerfile
    • Run tests
    • Lint code
    • View coverage report (make htmlcov)
  • Reset all tags on ECR
    • Update job to build ECR on tags
    • Figure out how to setup pipeline for FE ECR image build + push
  • create new scripts for backend update
  • create Terraform CI/CD pipelines in GitHub Actions
  • Check to see if S3 permissions are still causing issues for file uploads
  • Refactor backend ad hoc update command to use multiple steps in GitHub Actions (break up script to different sections)
  • Create management commands for backend update (pre_update, post_update)
  • Create middleware for putting Django application into maintenance mode


What is an "unstoppable" Django application?

Horizontal Scaling

  • Will not fall over or become unresponsive when there is a large amount of traffic
  • Scale out by the process model (12Factor principle: Concurrency - Scale out via the process model)
  • How to scale Fargate Services with CloudWatch alarms and autoscaling policies

Zero-downtime deployments with rolling updates

  • Deployment script step-by-step overview
  • Backward-compatible database migrations
  • Running migrations on a separate Fargate instance (not in the same container that runs the application)
  • AWS CLI commands for doing rolling updates to ECS services
  • Why we want to do rolling updates and not blue-green updates

Infrastructure updates with Terraform

  • How to introduce an infrastructure update that changes configuration in our Django application (environment variables, etc.)
  • Terraform module/configuration separation (network layer, database layer, application layer, etc.)

SDLC and Teamwork

If you are working on a Django application yourself, you might have a way to rapidly build and push out changes to your application in a safe way. Would this work safely with a large number of developers?

  • Variation in developer environments (M1, Intel Mac, Windows, WSL, Linux, docker vs virtualenv)

Avoiding the introduction of code (and configuration) bugs

Another important consideration to make for our unstoppable Django application is how to avoid the introduction of code (and configuration) bugs.

  • Promoting the same image artifact across multiple environments (build once, deploy many times)
  • Testing the application in series of pre-production environments (QA, RC, staging, production)
  • Allowing developers to test the application in an isolated environment that resembles the production environment (mention ad hoc environments)
  • Automated load testing to make sure that code changes are not introducing inefficient database queries

Getting permission to do deployments

  • Show how to do deployments with GitHub Actions that require permissions to push changes to production environments (or stage environments) with GitHub environments

Auditing and Security

  • Disaster recovery
  • Auditing Infrastructure as Code
  • Automated application vulnerability scanning as soon as a deployment artifact is created

Automated tests, linting, coverage, cyclomatic complexity analysis

  • [ ]

Stopping your unstoppable Django application

  • Explain why you would need to do this
  • How to stop your unstoppable Django application
  • Restarting you unstoppable Django application

Shutting down your unstoppable Django application

If for whatever reason your application needs to be shut down, how do you do that?

Other ideas

The base layer module can be split up further

  • This project uses only two modules: one for the base layer architecture and one for the application layer.
  • The base layer module could be split up into distinct modules that are referenced individually by terraform_remote_state
  • There are other prebuilt official modules that can be used in the base layer module (such as the rds module:

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